Our Lady of Fatima Statue Journey
Journey of Our Lady of Fatima Statue
From May 13th (the date of our Lady's first appearance to the children of Fatima) until the Marian Festival, we coordinate for our statue of Our Lady of Fatima to travel to many churches of the Diocese of Sandhurst as a sign of our unity in entrusting ourselves to the protection of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and to promote the messages of our Lady of Fatima. This is beautiful statue is of some significance, having come from Portugal and bearing relics of the site of the Apparitions of Fatima in its base.
We will continue to publish dates and locations for the statue's journey on this site. Please contact us at info@bendigofatima.com if you would like to receive updates on upcoming events.
Please consider contacting your parish priest to offer to assist with the statue's visit (whether there is a visit scheduled or not), and then contacting us at info@bendigofatima.com to so that we can list you as a local contact.
Travel Calendar
St Kilian's Parish, Bendigo
May 12th - Launch of the Statue Journey
St Kilian's Church - 5pm Holy Hour (prior to 6pm Mass)
St Liborius Parish, Eaglehawk
May 13th - Feast of Our Lady of Fatima
St Liborius Church - 6pm Mass followed by Holy Hour
May 18th
St Augustine's Church - 9:15am Mass followed by Rosary
St Therese's Parish, Kennington
May 20th - Feast of Mary, Mother of the Church
St Therese's Church - 9:15am Mass for the Feast
May 24th - Feast of Our Lady Help of Christians
St Therese's Church - 9:15am Mass for the Feast
St Mary's Parish, Inglewood
May 26th - Feast of the Most Holy Trinity
St Mary's Church - 8:00am Mass
May 29th
St Mary's Church - 9:15am Mass
St Mel's Parish, South Shepparton
May 30th
St Mel's Church - 8:10am-9:10am Adoration and Confessions
St Mel's Church - 9:15am Mass
May 31st - Feast of the Visitation
St Mel's Church - 9:15am Mass
St Malachy's Parish, Nagambie
June 2nd - Feast of Corpus Christi
St Malachy's Church - 9:00am Mass